The Greatest Good Summum Bonum

There are endless good things and good deeds which (can exist and) are done in life for the good of all mankind. Man himself must be taught (or learn) not to harm himself or harm others. When Vincent Mthimunye was young he learned of many things about evil men. Including the fact that an evil man often harms himself because all the evil he does comes with some punishment against him.

Mali homines sibi saeper nocent.                 Latin

An evil man often harms himself.               English

Vincent also learned to obey laws, to love virtue (or hate evil) and bond to (and protect) family and friendship. Family and friends are members of a person’s society who are there to deliver the most immediate good. They are there for him.

Legibus parete, virtutem amate, vincula amicitiae firmate.             Latin

Obey laws, love virtue, bind (or hold) friendships firmly.                English

Such activities (and deeds) bring harmony to all mankind. The rapid propagation of information about evil deeds (fact or fiction) through mediums like television, movies and books is rife in contemporary society and the single most detrimental process to the harmony of man. There is a classroom presentation on the topic of the “Greatest Good” which Vincent can present (for free and within reason) to scholastic audiences. This is designed to help teach students about the greatest good and the holding of a positive place in society. The greatest good (or “summum bonum”) is the good which benefits the greatest majority of the people. In scholastic environments, teachers can only teach students about being good to a very limited extent. Remember teachers are supposed to teach students Physical Science, Mathematics, Biology and other school subjects. This leaves very little or no extra time to teach students about other things. Those students who go to church may learn about being good from there or other social institutions and events which are seeking to build good manners and great ethics in society. On a per capita basis, those institutions are diminishing from modern society on account their membership rates are declining. Nevertheless, a presentation on the greatest good is being provided by Vincent Mthimunye (for free within a limited travel distance) to a group of not less than 50 students, for their own good.

Other adults (ia. Teachers; parents; members of the school board) are welcome to attend in concert with the students. The presentation can take anywhere from 3 to 4 hours (including breaks) to complete. The following sub-sections make up the body of this presentation a.k.a. “The Greatest Good”:

  • The origin and the orientation of the concept of “The Greatest Good.”
  • What constitutes the greatest good in modern society.
  • The Greatest Good and the Conflict of Rights.
  • The philosophy of “mala in se’” and the philosophy of “mala prohibita”.

Mala in se’ Bad (or evil) only because we say it is.

Mala prohibita Bad (or evil) because prohibited by law.

  • The process of classism inline with “Conformity and Compliance”.
  • Class Power : Class monopoly and class interests coupled around class Psychology.
  • The fragmentation of the “Greatest Good” by the divisive forces of society.
  • The perpetual virtue of complying with good (rules and) conduct for a better society.

The VJM Greatest Good presentation can be taught (at overview level) as a presentation for the whole day. This presentation is available for free (within reason of distance to be travelled). Those academic institutions or government organizations which have a need for this service can initiate this process by sending a message (to commence such dialog) to Vincent Mthimunye at the email address below. vincent@mthimunye.comVincent Mthimunye believes in his analogy “Let each man grow wiser by day” and for today shares the analogy below.

Praemia virtutis magna sunt.                                 Ancient Latin
The rewards of virtue are great.                            Modern English